The Third Annual IAC Central Asia Vis Pre-Moot was held in Astana

The IAC held its 3rd Annual IAC Central Asia Vis Pre-Moot Competition during 10-15 March 2023. The competition happened at the IAC premises in Astana, Kazakhstan, and with some participants online.
Tashkent State University of Law (Uzbekistan) won the Final and Best Oralist Awards before the IAC Chairman, Thomas Krümmel, the first IAC Chairman, Barbara Dohmann KC, and a White and Case Associate, Ivan Phillipov.
We were delighted to partner again with the U.S. State Department of Commerce and Commercial Law Development Program (“CLDP”). Together, for the second consecutive year, the IAC and CLDP provided international standard arbitration moot training to law student teams from across the Eurasia region.
The Vis Moot is the world’s premier law student mock arbitration hearing competition. It aims to promote the study of international commercial law and arbitration for resolution of international business disputes through its application of a “real-life” practical legal problem and to develop future lawyers in arbitration practice.
100 teams from more than 60 countries registered to participate in this year’s competition at the IAC. 20 teams from 16 countries were selected to participate in the competition with 8 teams from the CIS countries (including 2 teams from Kazakhstan), 6 teams from Europe, and 6 teams from Asia.
This IAC competition is now firmly recognised as the number one law student competition of its type in Eurasia. It contributes to the overall success and international recognition of Astana as the stand alone arbitration hub in Eurasia. It also supports the IAC as the premier international arbitration centre in Eurasia. The IAC has completed more than 1,600 arbitration and mediation cases involving investors from 22 countries. All IAC decisions have been enforced. The IAC always applies the very highest international standards of alternate dispute resolution and the rule of law and is now trusted by investors around the world.
“We are delighted to have held the 3rd annual IAC Central Asia Vis Pre-Moot with our colleagues from the US CLDP Programme in our world class premises in Astana.
This competition has expanded to new heights in size and quality and makes a very considerable contribution to the development of young lawyers in Kazakhstan and Eurasia. The competition significantly enhances the standing of the IAC and Astana as the arbitration hubs in Eurasia.”
The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot or Vis Moot is the largest arbitration moot competition in the world. Since 1994, it has been held annually in Vienna, Austria, attracting more than 300 law schools from all around the world. Another moot, known as the Willem C. Vis (East) Moot, is held in Hong Kong before the rounds in Vienna. It was established in 2003 and attracts around 150 teams every year, making it the second largest commercial arbitration moot. Due to increased popularity of the Vis Moot many law students participate in preliminary rounds worldwide and practice their arguments before going to Vienna or Hong Kong.
The Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) is an independent jurisdiction that started operations in 2018. In accordance with the Development Strategy until 2025, the key focus of the AIFC is to consolidate as a universal platform connecting the countries of the EAEU, Central Asia and the Caucasus.
The International Arbitration Centre (IAC) is an independent legal entity. It has its own procedural rules modelled on best international practice. It has its own panel of leading international arbitrators and mediators having many years of arbitration and mediation experience in commercial law, including oil and gas, trade, construction, energy, financial services, banking, Islamic finance, insurance, and intellectual property. IAC arbitration awards are recognised and enforceable in Kazakhstan and internationally.
Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) is a legal technical assistance office within United States Department of Commerce. CLDP provides legal technical assistance, legislative and policy advisory services, and institutional capacity building to host country governments in support of their economic development goals. CLDP works to improve the legal and business enabling environment by working to ensure efficient and effective dispute resolution mechanisms, including availability and access to alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Every year, CLDP supports university participation in the Willem C. Vis Moot international arbitration competition in more than a dozen countries to help support the development of pipeline of future ADR practitioners and a culture of arbitration in legal and academic communities around the world.