Where IAC Chambers is located?
We are located at 55/16 Mangilik El avenue, C3.1, Astana, Kazakhstan
What are your opening hours?
The IAC Chambers is open from 9:00 to 18:00 (Astana time) from Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays
Do you have car parking facilities?
Yes, underground parking is available with up to 94 car park spaces for charge. Without charge outside car parking facilities are available within 5 minutes’ walk of IAC Chambers.
How may I contact you?
Call us on +7 (7172) 64 73 69 or send us an email at booking.bcs@aifc-iac.kz
What can your facilities be used for?
IAC Chambers is predominantly used for dispute resolution hearings and related professional support services. It is also used for business meetings, conferences, seminars, and webinars.
What is the maximum capacity of your rooms?
The IAC Hearing room can accommodate up to 40 people, the Lecture Theatre can accommodate up to 94 people and 7 meeting rooms can accommodate 12-20 people.
Can I request a room viewing?
Yes, please contact us at +7 (7172) 64 73 69 or email us at booking.bcs@aifc-iac.kz to make an appointment for a viewing.
Can you arrange catering?
Yes, we provide in-room catering. You can request a menu through our team. We also have accessible on-site coffee shops and restaurants are accessible within a five minutes’ walk.
Can you offer hotel discounts?
Yes. For further information please contact us at +7 (7172) 64 73 69 or email us at booking.bcs@aifc-iac.kz.