The President of Singapore, Halimah Yacob, visited the AIFC Court and IAC premises as a part of an official visit to the AIFC, in Astana, Kazakhstan

The President of Singapore, Halimah Yacob, visited the AIFC Court and IAC premises as a part of an official visit to the AIFC, in Astana, Kazakhstan. President Yacob was introduced to the AIFC Court and IAC, how they work in practice, and their significance for attracting foreign investment to Kazakhstan, including investors from Singapore.

The AIFC Court and IAC have Singapore connections in numerous regards. The AIFC Court and IAC “eJustice” system, for digital e-filing, was developed in cooperation with Crimson Logic, an IT developer based in Singapore. The AIFC Court and IAC also cooperate with leading dispute resolution institutions in Singapore, and businesses in Singapore have included the AIFC Court and IAC in business contracts for dispute resolution where business has been based in Kazakhstan.

The AIFC Court and IAC continue to gain international recognition as the stand alone premier international commercial dispute resolution institutions in Eurasia, with significant case volume including cases with investors from 23 countries who have business in Kazakhstan, and proven enforcement of case decisions.

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